Safer At Home - Coaster Fine Furniture


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5 at home solutions to kill germs

August 11, 2020

5 at home solutions to kill germs

Since home is one place where people can transmit and get the virus, we’ve found some home-made alternatives to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus in your home.

5 ways to embrace your new normal

July 28, 2020

5 ways to embrace your new normal

These past few months have encouraged us to think about how we live our lives. The phrase “The new normal” has become a part of the lexicon to describe our current experience and define how things will be.

Make your bedroom a vacation paradise

July 21, 2020

Make your bedroom a vacation paradise

With CoasterElevations, you’ll find furniture collections that offer a higher level of livable, casual luxury. Find your bliss here.

4 ways to improve your living areas this summer

June 30, 2020

4 ways to improve your living areas this summer

Use this season to transform a room into a refreshing, new, vibrant, and more enjoyable environment.

Restyle as you re-open your home

June 16, 2020

Restyle as you re-open your home

We’re not going back to the way things were, so now’s the time to restyle and elevate your new normal.

Make your commute a short walk to the office

April 21, 2020

Make your commute a short walk to the office

Have you been an intrepid work from home aficionado? Or has the current situation become your ongoing new normal?

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